Grand finale of the lecture series on biodiversity genomics: Senckenberg’s former Director Prof. Dr. Dr. Volker Mosbrugger and Dr. Luigi de Gaudenzi, TBG Technology Transfer, give a joint lecture on the economic role of biodiversity and genetic resources. Advances in biotechnology are making the use of genetic resources increasingly relevant, for example in the breeding of new crops or the extraction of active medical ingredients. At the same time, the decline in biodiversity is causing a shortage of genetic resources. How can sustainable use succeed – also internationally – and what regulations are in place so far? These and other questions are the subject of the lecture „Genetische Vielfalt als Ressource – Welche Rolle der ‚Wirtschaftsfaktor Biodiversität‘ in der Zukunft spielen wird“ (in Germa).The lecture will take place online on Wednesday, July 27, at 7:15 p.m. via livestream at The event is the final talk of the Senckenberg lecture series “Bauplan der Natur – Wie Genomik unseren Blick auf die biologische Vielfalt revolutioniert”.