

Prof. Dr. Michael Hiller

Barbara Steigler, M.A.

Tel.: +49 69 7542 1836
Fax: +49 69 7542 1826

Project coordinator:

Dr. Julia Intemann:
Tel: +49 69 7542-1824

Public relations:

Stephanie Mayer-Bömoser:
Noemi Nagy:


Postal address: Senckenberganlage 25
D-60325 Frankfurt am Main

Visitors address: Georg-Voigt-Straße 14-16, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main



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Senckenberg Nature Research Society
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60325 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 69 7542 0
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The Senckenberg Nature Research Society is an association with legal capacity in accordance with §22 BGB (Civil Code), which was given the rights of a legal entity by sovereign decree on 17 August 1867. According to §28 of the currently valid articles of association, the society is represented as defined in §26 BGB in and out of court by two members of the board of directors, one of whom must be the general director or the deputy general director.

Board of directors: 

Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner (Director General)
Prof. Dr. Angelika Brandt
Dr. Lutz Kunzmann
Dr. Martin Mittelbach 
Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch 

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