LOEWE Centre for
Translational Biodiversity Genomics

Understanding the genomic basis of biodiversity​

Genomic diversity as a basis for biodiversity

The LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (LOEWE-TBG) was a research project running from 2017 to 2024, funded by the LOEWE programme of the State of Hesse, Germany.
Beginning in 2025, the centre is transitioning into a collaborative network, initiating new projects based on the expertise developed at LOEWE-TBG.

The centre focused on the genetic basis of biological diversity, making it accessible for both basic and applied research. The research team sequenced and analyzed genomic variation across the tree of life to understand the origins and functional adaptations of diversity, from genes to ecosystems (Comparative Genomics).

The resulting data addressed societal knowledge demands in applied fields, such as the genomic basis of biologically active substances (Natural Products Genomics) and the sustainable use and management of biological resources (Genomic Biomonitoring; Functional Environmental Genomics).

LOEWE-TBG was a joint research institution of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, Goethe University Frankfurt, Justus Liebig University Gießen, the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME), the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology (MPIterMic), and the Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP).

Main Objectives of TBG

  • Compare genomic diversity across the tree of life to better understand the origin and functions of all levels of biological diversity (from genes to ecosystems)
  • Make genomic resources accessible for applied research, e.g. for a sustainable bioeconomy or natural resources management.
  • Develop and apply genomic methods to monitor biodiversity and ecosystem resilience, Inform species conservation efforts, understand the genomic basis of biodiversity, find new applications of biodiversity, e.g. in biomedical research

Research at the centre was divided into four project areas and numerous individual and joint projects:

The LOEWE TBG laboratory centre and a bioinformatics unit provide a powerful infrastructure for the direct implementation of projects. Their results are made available to society via technology transfer and public relations.


What’s new at LOEWE-TBG? Find all our videos, news, press releases and selected press articles in our Newsroom. By watching our videos you can, for example, take a look into our lab center and learn more about DNA extraction or get to know TBG’s junior research groups. News include scientific results, prizes, conferences, events, job vacancies and much more. Take a look, stay tuned and follow us on Twitter @LOEWE_TBG. 

You need texts or pictures about LOEWE-TBG for publication in media? Our numerous press releases and those of our partners as well as press pictures can also be found at the News Room (via Senckenberg). TBG in TV, Radio and in newspapers – we further compiled a selection of media reports.

Our partners

LOEWE Research Initiatives Network